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We only advice the best natural products which are proven effective. 
Ecomer is a unique product with alkylglycerols, an endogenous substance with effects which are essential in times of exceptional strain on the body. The health benefits of alkylglycerols for the endurance of fishermen in Norway in Sweden has been described in traditional medicine.

Natural Alkylglycerols supports
• Strengthens the immune defence
• Cell-protecting abilities
• Promote wound healing
• Boost the recovery of white blood cells

Where can you Buy Ecomer ?

You can buy Ecomer :

# Tamanu
# Collincgro

Ecomer is 100% natural

Ecomer play a major role in the production of white blood cells.
White blood cells are of interest to the system of protection of our body.
They destroy foreign organisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi,
but also help to suppress and decrease tumor growth.

AlkyMED Alkylglycerols increase the production of these white blood cells
and of antibodies in the bone marrow.

Ecomer research

In Sweden dr. Astrid Brohult worked in a children's hospital in Stockholm. In addition to other patients she treated those small children who are suffering from leukemia, a disease in which the body is unable to produce the normal number of white blood cells that are necessary in order to fight various infections. She was very touced and concerned about the children and began to think of new ways to treat this disease.
They decided to investigate whether an active substance was present in healthy bone marrow, the body that produces the white blood cells. After several years of research showed that an important group of active substances in bone marrow Alkylglycerols. After further investigation, they found that shark liver oil contains the highest concentration of Alkylglycerols.

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